This two-year CyberTraining pilot project at Clarkson University will conduct a two-week online summer workshop each year for six trainees in engineering and science related disciplines as well as integrate the same workshop material into an existing graduate-level course on High-performance Computing (HPC) to broaden its appeal to graduate students in engineering and science. As shown in Fig. 1, the crux of our research workforce development program is on POD, a highly effective, data-driven learning algorithm for solving multi-dimensional PDEs. Our workshop trainees will be graduate students, post-docs and faculty members recruited nationally. We propose to train three teams each year of two trainees per team in the summer workshop, where each trainee team will be supported by a research mentor (one of the three PIs) and a graduate teaching assistant (TA).
The project is funded by the grant CyberTraining: Pilot: Employing Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) and High-Performance Computing (HPC) in Advanced CI (grant no. OAC-2118079).